
The truth about confiscation of driver's license in the Philippines

By Tech tebz - 6.16.2015 No Comments
Photo credit: Carmudi

If you are a motorist in the Philippines, you might get confused if MMDA traffic officers are allowed to confiscate your driver's license if you commit a traffic violation.

On MMDA's official Twitter account, a netizen named Anjo Coronado asked them about this concern. The MMDA replied by attaching a list of violations that warrants the confiscation of the driver's license:

  1. The driver is involved in a traffic accident.
  2. The driver has accumulated three or more unsettled violations.
  3. The driver has been apprehended for any of the administrative violations:
·         Allowing another person to use driver's license
·         Broken sealing wire
·         Broken taximeter seal
·         Colorum operation (cargo/passenger vehicle)
·         Driving against traffic
·         Fake driver's license
·         Fake/altered taximeter seal
·         Fake/altered sealing wire
·         Fast/defective/non-operational/tampered taxi meter
·         Flagged up meter
·         Illegal or unauthorized counter-flow
·         Illegal transfer of plates/tags/stickers
·         Joined/reconnected sealing wire
·         No driver's ID
·         Ignoring Organized Bus Route (OBR) interval timers (for 2nd offense)
·         Skipping or bypassing designated OBR terminals or loading bays (for 2nd offense)
·         Operating on contractual basis
·         Out of line operation
·         Overcharging (with or without conductor, for the 2nd offense)
·         Overspeeding
·         Refusal to convey passengers to destination/trip-cutting (Taxis and Public Utility Vehicles)
·         Refusal to render service to public (Taxis and Public Utility Vehicles)
·         Tampered sealing wire
·         Tampered taximeter seal
·         Tampering of OR/CR/CPC and other documents (spurious documents)
·         Undue preference/unjust discrimination
·         Using motor vehicle in commission of crime

One of the notable question of Coronado: "If the violation is coding or wrong turn, do you confiscate the license?"

"No, unless the driver is arrogant," the MMDA replied.

Update: MMDA apologized for the confusion it delivers from their conversation with Coronado. They've posted in their Twitter account that they are strict and have a clear guidelines on when a driver's license will be confiscated. It is according to the list of violations that warrants confiscation (posted above) and an arrogant behavior of the motorist is not included.

Source: TopGear, MMDA Twitter Account

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